Friday, November 19, 2010

Update from Dick & Alma Dole, retired missionaries from Brazil who moved to New Jersey.

Yes, we finally made it......and six weeks later, so did our stuff.
Now we have the challenge of trying to fit what is "essential" into this wee apartment... and give up the useful/meaningful things that don't. "Hard on the judgment," as the old story goes.

This has been a tough assignment---—perhaps the toughest one yet, in our 42 years as His missionaries. I confess that I`m still trying to recover from the hurricane of this humongous international move... the earthquake of moving from my beloved Brazil to this strange land... the landslide of moving from a city of 20 million to a town of 10,000... PLUS the shock waves of moving from a very active life to a retirement community... where the median age is, would you believe, 87!??!! Not to mention that everything is so EXPENSIVE in this country, and trying to live on Social Security & pension alone is a challenge! But God is still on the Throne, and one of these days we'll feel "at home," right? Pray for us?

I don't suppose retired missionaries are of much interest, but if ever you need someone to substitute or fill in, we'd sure love to try to work it out. Meanwhile, give our warm THANK YOU to any that still remember us? How faithful you folks at Myrtle Grove have been, and how we praise the Lord for your loving support.

May we keep on keeping on, pressing on to know Him, our Wondrous Lord!
Yours to see Him glorified,
Dick & Alma

11 Heath Village
Hackettstown, NJ 07840-4039
(908) 269-6046

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